Monday, December 19, 2011

12 Days of Christmas Day 7

A Christmas Candle Day 7
A Christmas candle is a lovely thing;
It makes no noise at all,
But softly gives itself away;
While quite unselfish, it grows small.

- Eva K. Logue
John the Baptist said of Jesus:
"He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less."
John 3:30

A Christmas Candle
This morning on Women Living Well, Courtney posted a picture of a candle with this exact quote from Eva K. Logue. It’s funny how God uses others to encourage us. I knew this was the day 7 I would write about, but when I saw the picture I didn’t realize the quotes were the same. Oh, but He did.

We are like that candle, one that holds the flame burning strong and bright as the light of Christ does. Each day, we should softly give ourselves to Him, becoming less and less so that He might continue to become greater and greater. Through this, He will shine brighter through us! 



... said...

Love this analogy! :) So beautiful. We are God's light in a world full of darkness! It is up to us to light the way for others!

ChristinaS said...

thank you so much for sharing your 12 days of Christmas with us. Such inspiring ideas and love that your sharing is such a blessing to us. Thank you so much..

womanwalkignupright said...

Erin--I loved this analogy too! And I loved that He showed it to me multiple times during that day! He works in beautiful ways! <3

Christina--you got it! I am so glad that the words that He led me to write, blessed you in any fashion! I am merely a beacon in which His hope can shine through :) xoxo