Thursday, November 6, 2014

Transparent Thursday--Jesus loves the least of us


(picture via Pinterest)

I have so many different topics on my heart to write about tonight that I have chosen possibly the easiest one to write about--yet the most important ...


Yes, YOU.

Despite your mistakes, despite your downfalls, despite how badly you messed up yesterday, today or even tomorrow, JESUS LOVES YOU. 

He loved you when He formed you, He loved you when He hung upon a cross and died for your sins rising again in defeat of those sins; He will love you when you mess up so badly that you don't know where else to turn.


He loves you if you lied today. He loves you if you stole today. He loves you if you drank too much today. He loves you if you fall victim to drugs today. He loves you if you said a curse word today. He loves you if you had an adulterous relationship today. He loves you if you murdered someone in your mind today, or even committed the act today. He loves you if you gossipped today. He loves you if you turned your back on someone today. He loves you if you yelled at your child today. He loves you if you gave up your child today. He loves you if you said you hated someone today. He loves you if you don't even love yourself. 


This might sound like something that is easy for me to say, this might sound like the most cliche thing I could write about; but it is the honest truth and I feel very deeply that not enough people are standing in this truth today! 


He loves the least of us. He loves us when we are nothing. 

He loves the weak, the poor, the mistakes and the mess ups. 

That describes every single one of us whether we want to admit it or not.

We are all riddled with sins. Some we easily admit; some we hide from others; some we don't even realize are sins, but oh, oh they are. 


He desires one thing, an intimate relationship with us--and through that relationship He transforms us! He transforms us into His image, His masterpiece. 

But, His love doesn't stop while we are still fallen. No, He loves us despite our fallen nature. 

He IS love. 

He loves me. 

He loves you.

Know, that you  are less than only Three. 

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