~Forever Thankful, Forever Grateful …
His Grace is Sufficient~
I have found myself struggling greatly in the last few months with numerous things that God has laid in front of me. There have been so many revelations opened up to me and so many hard truths that He has allowed me to see. Many of which I have pondered over greatly and many which have left me convicted and in desperate need for my Saviors comfort.
Writing is the one passion in my life where I feel the closest to Him. It is the one solace I find peaceful and in which I can lay my thoughts and feelings for Him out and the words just flow from the tap tap tapping I do on the keyboard. But, I stop myself so often from writing because I am terrified of “upsetting” someone or that my revelation will bring “controversy”. So, I stop myself from making the time because I allow the enemy to convince me that “no one will read” or better “that someone will be offended”.
Well, today I tell the enemy—YOU HAVE NO HOLD ON ME.
I will speak what He has taught me, I will show the world who I trust in. I know that I am vocal, but 1 word sentences about whom I love and whom I trust pales in comparison to the words that He has given me since I was called out of the darkness and He revealed Himself to me. I will do all things to the glory of the One who made me. I will give unto Him and work heartily in the gifts that He gives me. I will press onward toward the goal of the prize given to those called of Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:28 Colossians 3:23 Philippians 3:14
So, today I write, and I write openly and candidly with the hope of being pleasing only to my Lord, the One who saved me from my wretched self. I am a redeemed child, bought at a price and one who will be eternally grateful for His saving grace. I have sinned; I fall short of His glory more often than I think anyone would want to admit. But, I have the upmost appreciation for His grace because I know without a doubt that He has delivered me from the hole I called my life; the same hole that every single one of us lives in whether they know it or not. There is not one that is worthy, not one that is capable of living a righteous life without Him and I myself find this a comfort; knowing that I am not alone in my sinful state. But, I can come out of that state with His mercy and His unfailing love and I want to proclaim that love to this dying and sinful world.
There is no place too low for God to lift us out of; there is no hole too deep. The God of the Universe, the King of the heavens, He is mighty and capable of delivering any sinner to a state of pure and untainted righteousness.
Galatians 1:4
We often find ourselves judging one another; tit for tat where sin is concerned. We rationalize our sins, our lives, thinking “well, I’m not as bad as so and so” or “I live a good life, I can’t be that bad”. But does any of that really matter to the Lord who hung on that cross? Does any of that matter to the King who reigns eternally in Heaven, seated at the right hand of His Father?
No, it doesn’t matter one tiny bit because the truth is, we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Romans 3:23
Within ourselves there is nothing that WE can do to enter His kingdom. The only way we are allowed entrance is by his grace, His rich and beautiful grace that God bestowed because of the perfect life His Son lived and the atoning sacrifice that He made on that cross.
And, oh how thankful I am….
I am thankful that there will be a day that I stare into the face of my God, the great I am, and I can say, “thank you for your love, thank you for knitting me together in my mother’s womb and thank you for blotting out my multitude of transgressions.” And I can look to His right and see His Son, the one who willingly went to the cross, who obeyed His Father and paid the ultimate price—His death, and I can fall to my knees and say simply, “thank you for your sacrifice, one that I can never repay”.
This is amazing to me. This realization has transformed my heart and has created in me a new love; one for His children and one for His world. Understanding that there is not one better, not one that is seen as “good” or “awesome” in His eyes and that while we are separated from Him we are all sinners on equal playing field, I know that His grace is completely and utterly NECESSARY. Without accepting His grace, without acknowledging His mercy, we cannot enter His kingdom.
But, we are set free from that bondage, set free to live an eternal life in paradise once we come out of the darkness of our sin and enter in the light of His path. We can accept Him as our Savior, set Him as our director and our lives can become intertwined with His word and His ways. We can stand on judgment day, after living such horrible lives, and we are blessed to hear, “well done good and faithful servant.”
Matthew 25:23
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