Friday, May 24, 2013

I am day 5, I am not who the world wants me to be

I Am........

Not who the world wants me to be. The world typically doesn't want on fire for Christ Christians--that usually brings about change in people when they are truly around those being led by the Spirit. The ideal Christian in the eyes of the world as a whole is one who ONLY goes to church and is there to come to when there is a crisis because there is undeniable proof that prayer comforts people in time of crisis. To see and accept the total changed person and love them, that is something the world has a tough time doing. But, a true and changed person simply lives their life every day to the beat of their ability, and when their ability run sour it is God who fills then. They love others, they admit when they're wrong, because they're human and wrong often. And they do nothing--not take a walk, a bath, comb their hair, watch a movie, fall in love, stay in love, live life--part from God. 

But, the enemy has blinded us as a whole from the beginning of time and it's only through Christ and the indwelling Spirit that we can regain that sight. Becoming this new person is simple and complex, magnificent and gut wrenching. It fights everything within us naturally to sit back and go with the flow. It sets us on a new path and typically that path is much much more windy than necessary because of that natural instinct to fight change. But change is precious and necessary when we are walking with Christ. 

We should be quick to remember as well that it is not the change someone else deems worthy, but what Christ deems worthy. It is a personal daily relationship with Christ and the Father and allowing His Spirit to convict us when necessary and simply communicate with us the rest of our time. He wants a heart relationship with us. He wants to be One that we can cry to, laugh with, yell at, question, but ALWAYS trust and ALWAYS know that His will is far greater than we can ever understand. This blind trust and true faith is something that is hard to spot sometimes when we are looking at a world so painted with sin. And this world when being painted by the enemy doesn't want a true and honest relationship with Christ because they haven't allowed the true Painter to begin painting their beautiful canvas yet. 

Will you allow Him? Or is your current canvas enough for you? 

Read and reflect on Jeremiah 18:1-4
Will you allow the grueling transformation? 

Read and reflect on Romans 12:2
Will you be transformed and renewed? 

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